About database "Share"

113 tactile graphics: "The clock", "A worm in a labyrinth", "United States of America"

Your database "Share"

Our database “Share” deals with all kinds of topics and offers a collection for tactile graphics.

The graphics can be shared, cloned or even customised. At the same time, the exchange and cooperation in the ProBlind community is to be promoted.

11Illustration Graphics

Using the "Share" database - It's that simple!

11The ProBlind Community creates tactile graphics and uploads them.
11The ProBlind Community translates (automatic translation possible), changes and corrects graphics.
11Blind and visually impaired people edit graphics barrier-free, download graphics, use and experience them.

Support the ProBlind Community with a donation

With your donation and your support we can do our work permanently.

We thank you for your generosity!