Create tactile graphics

Only 3 steps and you are ready to go


Download the free
graphic software


Share your graphics with
blind people worldwide


Download the template for
your first graphic

Our video tutorial helps
you create tactile graphics

From creating the template to uploading it to the database:
Learn how to create graphics in a few steps and upload them to database “Share”.

You only need very few Inkscape functions:

11Only 3 colors are required when working with Inkscape: Black for graphic elments, transparent for audio fields and blue for black lettering.

Do you need help?

If you have any questions, you can scroll through here:

Create tactile graphics

PDF Instruction

From creating the template to uploading it to the database: learn how to create graphics in a few steps and upload them to database “Share”.

Graphics software Inkscape

PDF Instruction

Tactile graphics can be created quickly and easily with the free graphics program Inkscape. Get familiar with the software now.


ProBlind answers your questions

Here you can find an overview with questions and answers about the club and the database ‘Share’.

Webinar or live demo

We explain how to create graphics

Participate in live meetings with graphics experts.
Experience how easy it is to create tactile graphics.

How can I create graphics for the database 'Share'?

1. Download

2. Design

3. Add information

4. Upload

• Visit
•  Click on the “Create” tab
•  Enter the name of the graphic
•  Select language
•  Click on “Download” template


•  Open template with the free programme Inkscape
•  Create new graphic or use existing SVG graphic
•  Set text in Courier New 27 pt
•  Set interactive fields for audio information


•  Link audio information via object properties
•  Select title and description of all elements
•  Specify descriptive text via graphic structure in metadata
•  Specify sources, if available


• besuchen
•  Grafik hochladen
•  Dateiinhalte überprüfen/ändern
•  Für Schwelldruck downloaden


We need graphics in the following areas:

  • School
  • Professional training
  • Studying
  • Mobility
  • Participation